5 Reasons to Outsource your Internal Audit & Compliance Needs

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According to the latest article by Accountancy Daily, it was noticed that due to COVID-19, 46% of organizations were unable to perform Internal Audits on-time, facing business risks and vulnerable to cyber security and fraud.

The present situation of organizations of the world is uncertain and during such grave situations, Outsourcing Audit requirements streamlines functionalities, protects organizations from business risks, and prevents unnecessary delay in work through robust compliance processes.

The following blog would help you know about the advantages of outsourcing audit requirements and its effects on organizational growth

Why Audits shouldn’t be done internally?

  • Excessive Time Constraints don’t allow the auditors to examine all processes thoroughly and prepare reports.
  • Due to some internal influences, the output may get biased.
  • Internal Turnover might affect the output quality of reports.
  • Internal Auditors within the organization with limited knowledge and experience may face incompetency issues.

Outsourcing Audits – A Predominant Step towards Development

External Auditors overcome the above drawbacks and provide many other advantages that help uplift organizations. The independent audit professionals have their set of terms and procedures, which they follow strictly to maintain compliance. Some other advantages include:

1. Cost-Effective as compared to Internal Audit teams
In an organization having Internal Audit teams, they need to be trained regularly and kept updated on the compliance and risk processes to safeguard it, whereas, with an outsourced team, you need not worry about their training or even provide them fixed salaries. You can hire them for the task and relieve them after it gets completed.

An organization’s expenditure decreases, which can be utilized in other business development requirements. Along with it, it also frees up internal resources and allows them to concentrate on other important tasks.

2.  Better Compliance
Audit organizations have high compliance standards set up, which are followed by them extensively. Such high standards ensure security compliance and mitigate business risks effectively.

They are aware of the latest industry standards which should be met for seamless functioning. The expertise in the industry and familiarity of the processes enables effective control.

 3. Quality Benchmark Attained
An unbiased opinion is always useful. To achieve suitable standards, dodge security, and compliance risks, it requires a fresh and true perspective. With an internal team, the opinion might get biased depending on how the audit reports reflect the shortcomings of a particular department.

Such a situation won’t arise with outsourced professionals as they would provide an impartial and true opinion which might sound harsh at first, but result in positive growth. Independent appraisal helps achieve reliance and accuracy.

 4. Timely Reports and Findings
The sole purpose of professional auditors is to perform regular audits, find discrepancies and solutions to overcome them. The audit team can scale the requirements of your organization effectively to increase efficiency.

Depending on the present status, they will provide timely reports and findings to modify the same. It guarantees the credibility of financial reports while reducing liability.

5. Professional Auditors Provide Useful Consulting Advice
Auditors provide suggestions to scale up your business while following compliance processes, as per the latest industrial standards. Auditors have their reliable resources and seasoned experience that assist organizations to know in advance, what you should do and what to avoid.

With the in-depth analysis, they provide opportunities to control risks, scale operations and maintain positive feedback of the organization.

Audits based on suggested compliance benchmarks should be the highest priority of an organization. Along with it, it should be cost-effective for them. The purpose of audits is to provide an exact and solid approach, which can be achieved by outsourced audit teams effortlessly.

At Inspiredge, we regard quality and compliance as the priority in the audit process, and then on a customer-oriented approach for cost-effective and stringent solutions.

Inspiredge IT Solutions – Compliance and Quality Adherence for Accurate Results

